Sunday, August 31, 2008


I feel I rightfully earned my mom badge during the NICU situation. However, I would like someone to tell me where I can go to collect my gold star to be placed on said badge.

I ended up having to give Parker a suppository. I had to cut it in half long-ways. I gave..inserted...placed the first half a few days ago and there was a major explosion and thankfully I was not home, but Josh was. This morning I gave him the other half and again, he produced the desired results, but I was on the receiving end this time. I tried to tell Josh that it is not my policy to change explosive poopy diapers. He rolled his eyes and walked away...

Also, p.s. I missed the first explosive diaper because I was out buying jeans as I have none. I did have to get a pair that are a size bigger than I was this time last year, BUT I did find one style in the GAP and I was able to buy my normal size! Sadly, I was not all that happy with my "normal" size, but I joined the gym and am on a mission, so hopefully I'm on the right track to loosing a little more weight...if not I know where I can get some suppositories to help things along...

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