Thursday, June 19, 2008

T minus...? until baby time

After each doctors appointment I feel the need to share what happened in the office with all of you who read this blog...I say all, but really it is probably like 5...but whatever
Anyway, today 4 things happened that are noteworthy:

1. Triumph of all triumphs I lost 3 pounds. I know it seems odd, but I'm told it's normal and no biggie (especially considering what I am about to tell you). I'm not saying I mind the weight gain really, I mean I'm growing a person, there is bound to be some added poundage. However, I am seeing numbers on the scale I never thought I would see. I wouldn't mind seeing these same numbers in a different combination, but the combo I got going on right now it frankly depressing at best.

2. My blood pressure is elevated, which means I am back on serious bed rest putting an end to my workout routine, much to the dismay of Abby and myself. The fear is that my blood pressure, which has been very normal until today, will led to preeclamsia complications during delivery. She did mention though that I can still have sex with Josh to move things along. Apparently there is no danger of elevating my blood pressure there...sorry Josh. I will say, this is just a means to an end and is very different from any pre-pregnancy martial relations we had.

3 and 4 (Because there is no way to split these two up). Last week you may recall I was still 1.5 cm dilated and there was no effacement action. Well today I am nearly 4 cm dilated (you need to be 10 cm to begin pushing, but from what I understand you can get the epidural once you are in the 3 to 4 cm range) and I am 50% effaced.

I have big plans to get this epidural. The way I see it, no one is handing out $10,000 bills to women who squeeze the kid out without the help of an epidural. I also hear about women not getting one because they don't want to be in a drug induced state nor do they want their baby to be drugged up upon delivery. To them I say, "Why the hell not!?" This is a pretty traumatic situation for everyone involved and aside from the doctor who has to catch the slippery little sucker, everyone should be heavily medicated!

I still...yes STILL have to get the car seat securely in my car and I have yet to pack my hospital bag.

My mom bought Parker 2 pairs of socks. When I did his laundry last week, I washed all 4 socks and now I have 1 sock...individual...left. Good thing he is a summer baby and probably will not need socks within the first few days, so I have some time there.

I will keep you all as posted as I can between now and delivery time. My goal is to keep this blog going even after he comes (all you mommies out there, stop laughing). I know it will not be as easy as it is now, but it will still be possible.

All joking aside for a second, when I called Josh and my mom after the appointment to inform them of the new developments, I could not stop crying. It was not a nervous or scared cry. I am just so excited that after all the blogging, registering, emotion, anticipation etc. my little guy- this amazing person that is Josh and me- is about to be here, in this world, living, breathing, laughing.

P.S. Tomorrow is June 20, which is my sister, Lynsey's, 22nd Birthday. I think it would be beyond cool if Parker and Lynsey have the same birthday. Although, I have two other sisters and I guess there would be some pressure to have two more babies on each of their birthday's...

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