Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Randomness Times 7

Need to get away from the family for a second?

Turkey in the oven and have nothing to do now(ha!)?

Need to look busy without actually being busy?

Read 7 random things about me. A good friend, follower blogger, and goddess like myself, sent me the following chain letter/blog thing.

Let's Go:

1) The day before my 21st birthday I was riding my bike and a Mazda Miata hit me. The old lady driving the car turned right into me.  She was coming off a stop sign. I fell in the middle of the interscetion and the car behind the Mazda just drove around me as if that was totally normal. I walked my bike home and still went to work that night. I was a waitress. I made twice as many tips that night because I played up the sympathy card big time- truthfully, I was fine- it was a MIATA!

2) I am TERRIFIED of whales- real ones, pictures, calendars, cartoons- does not matter. I'm nearly 100% sure this stems from an early childhood viewing of Pinocchio.

3) When I went on that cross country trip my sister, our friend and I stayed in a hostel on a vortex in Arizona that was owned/run by a guy named Lavern and his girlfriend, Frenchie. Lavern played the ukulele.

4) The Great Barrier Reef is overrated as a snorkeling spot.

5) I have zero desire to sky dive or bungee jump. I also have never dreamt about flying, but I do frequently fall in dreams. Is this a bad sign?

6) I love cooking and I am fairly decent, but cannot make chocolate chip cookies from scratch to save my life. I have tried several times with several variations and they all suck.

7) Tina, Aarti, Jenn and I have been friends since high school. We all turn 30 on our next birthdays. We have a girls trip planned to celebrate, but Tina posed another challenge to us. First, it should be noted that going to a NKOTB concert was her idea, a pure genius idea. Anyway, she suggested in October 2010 we all run the Baltimore marathon as a relay team. While I do go to the gym on the regular, I am no runner. However, after a lot of excuses and self-doubt, I have agreed to her latest idea. NKOTB was sheer amazingness, how bad can this run be? right?

I'm both terrified and excited. Currently, I can run/walk 4 miles in 55 minutes on the treadmill. If I become some crazy runner, wearing only spandex jumpsuits and talking about stretching out my quads and carbo loading, you have my permission to slap me.

Awesome bloggers I just LURVE

1. Lynsey at
2. Nancy at
3. Alison at

I'm suppose to put links to other blogs I follow here, but I don't follow a lot, sadly.  Instead, I willl link you to sites I like.  It counts right?



Please take the time and check out these talented and funny writers.

If you are interested in doing this yourself here are the "rule":
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Nancy C said...

Paul ran Baltimore last year. Hilly. He says miles 7-13 are the flattest. Pretty course. Go for it. You will kick even more ass.

Minivan Lover said...

Thank you for the encouragement! I will keep you posted!! :)

Mad Mrs. E said...

thanks for pimping me out! maybe one day I can get me some MORE followers...;)

mom said...

Perhaps the reasons the Great Barrier Reef was not as awesome as we expected are 1-we were all wearing our airline financed Wal-Mart bathing suits that we were forced to purchase on our way to some activity because our suit cases were "misplaced" by said airline and 2. Lynsey was literally baking on the beach there. Didn't she develop sun poisoning?